As a housing corporation, you're faced with the challenge of making your existing real estate more sustainable and ensuring new construction is gas-free. The necessity for this arises firstly from the Climate Agreement, which mandates that all social rental homes must be carbon neutral by 2050. Additionally, it's your mission to guarantee affordable rent for your tenants. The sustainability of homes reduces the impact of rising energy prices on your tenants' living costs.

GETEC assists you in the sustainability of your housing portfolio, both in existing buildings and new constructions. We design, implement, and finance the most sustainable and efficient energy supply for your situation. Additionally, we take care of the long-term maintenance, replacement, and operation of the installations.

GETEC gives you control over your energy costs
GETEC takes all worries regarding the energy supply of your building portfolio off your hands by providing a new sustainable energy supply or by taking over your existing installations and gradually making them more sustainable. We are very transparent about the costs and benefits of this operation. Beforehand, we agree with you on your project contribution and the energy rates for your tenants. We aim for lower rates than the maximum set by the ACM (Authority for Consumers & Markets). Throughout the duration of our contract - a period of 15 to 30 years - we guarantee the perfect functioning of the energy supply by taking care of maintenance and replacement.

The best solution for your new build

GETEC is technology-independent. We assess each situation to determine the most efficient energy supply for your buildings. In new construction, heat and cold storage systems are often a logical choice. Within this, there are numerous options to arrive at the optimal solution: closed-loop GSHP (Ground Source Heat Pump) or open-loop GSHP (GSHP-Doublet, GSHP-Monobore, GSHP-Recirculation), an air-source heat pump, or water-source heat pump. We also consider the potential contribution of solar panels to lower living costs - and to the BENG score.

The best solution for your existing properties

For existing properties, a GSHP (Ground Source Heat Pump) system is often a less logical choice unless there is a very extensive renovation (and insulation) underway. Often we opt for a hybrid solution where we take over and make sustainable the existing installation. This can be achieved, for example, by installing a collective hybrid heat pump that meets 70 to 80% of the heating demand. The remaining portion (for demand peaks and as a backup) is provided by a small and efficient gas boiler. In some cases, a 100% electric solution may be chosen.


Contact us

Björn Mom, Head of Real Estate GETEC Nederland

GETEC Benelux

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